‘The Universe sends us exactly what we are ready for at the exact time we need it in our lives.’
My mantra of the week is “trust the Universe”. It’s so easy to get frustrated with where you are in life and to compare yourself to your friends, your friends on Facebook, your friends on Instagram. Lately I’ve been getting so frustrated because I keep comparing myself to others and their fancy houses with a fenced in yard and a front porch, or to our friends who have gone on multiple European vacations this year. “How are they affording all of this? Why are we so behind? I just wish I had a yard for my dogs. How am I going to pay for my wedding?“
On Monday morning I was driving 45 minutes out to the suburbs to meet my Mom to go meet our florists for the wedding. Randomly a quote popped into my head and I thought about it for a few minutes, deciding whether to make that my yoga theme for the week. When I showed up at home, my mom had put together a bag of early birthday gifts from me. One of those was a coffee mug – with the quote I had been thinking about in the car! It was pretty weird, pretty crazy, but a pretty great reminder to trust the Universe. Trust in the timing. The Universe will send you what you need (whether it’s a job, a friend, a quote on a coffee mug, etc.) at the exact time that you need it.
About two years ago I started looking for a new job because I was ready to get out of public accounting. I had been searching, talking to recruiters, taking phone interviews, etc. I was really trying to leave, but nothing was the right fit. The one company I was super excited for and interested in didn’t even want to have a phone interview with me because they didn’t want anyone who had worked in public accounting. I was crushed and super disappointed because what company wouldn’t want someone with Big 4 accounting experience? I knew I needed to take a break from the job search and just sit through one more busy season with the company I was at. A few months later my recruiter reached out with a rotational management development position and I knew it was exactly what I needed! Trust the Universe. It will work out. It always works out.
Yoga Practice:
This week’s practice consisted of a lot of grounding poses – taking time to pause and breathe in mountain pose, crescent warrior, warrior 2, wide legged forward folds – and chest openers, specifically crescent pose with cactus arms, while bending and hovering your back knee and taking a slight backbend.